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Grace Haven unSchool

We're not a school. We're a revolution.

The education system is broken.

Children are sitting behind desks all day.

They aren't taught the love of learning, just how to memorize facts to pass a test.

And don't get us started on the crazy agenda.

It’s like the whole world has gone mad!

That’s why we’re here.

Grace Haven is a Christian unschooling program for out-of-the-box thinkers.

We’re here to challenge the status quo and create vigilantes for the Kingdom.

We're here to help kids learn how to think and ignite a passion for life-long learning, so they can share their gifts with the world.

Who We Are

We're Aaron & Mary Henderson.

Mary grew up homeschooled.

Aaron went to public school and thought homeschoolers were kind of...weird.

But God does the impossible.

One day, He planted a vision on their hearts they couldn’t shake: to start an “unschool” on their property.

A place that focused on real learning, not just regurgitating facts for tests.

A place where kids were helped to find their skills, gifts and passions.

A place where they learned real life skills, not how to just get onto the college conveyer belt.

Grace Haven is the realization of that vision.

Meet The Hendersons:

Names: Aaron + Mary ❤️

Celebrity Couple Name: Maaron 😂

Relationship Status: Married 💍

Number of Kids: 5 (yes, FIVE) 😲

MBTI: INTJ + INFJ (🤔 + 🙃)

Nerdiness Factor: 3.14 (π) 🤓

Is This You?

Love the idea of homeschooling, but you don't want to do it all alone.

Want your kids to have fun, but you're too stressed out teaching everything.

Tired of toddlers climbing onto your lap while you try to teach the older kids.

Love your children, but get frustrated with getting certain concepts across.

Wish you had someone to help with the core academic subjects.

Wish homeschool groups or co-ops did more than help with art, music and the extracurriculars.

How It Works

Our program hangs on three pillars:

Academic Skills

Christian curriculum “The Good and the Beautiful” for the required core subjects.

Out-of-the-Box Learning Modules

Real life skills such as homesteading skills, nutrition & wellness, or architecture & design, and more, with daily focused time for children to learn by doing. These modules are led by subject matter experts who will introduce your children to new skills and allow them to master them for themselves.

Passion Quests

Fostering unique interests and passions in each child through social interaction and unstructured opportunity for exploration, experimentation, and play. With access to nearly limitless digital resources, curated a facilitated by our tutoring staff.

Program Details:

We accept grades PreK-12 and begin classes Monday, August 26, 2024.

Classes will be held 4 days a week, 9am-1pm, Mondays through Thursdays, with a lunch break included.

Our max capacity is 40 students.

July 31st is the deadline to apply.

We believe in the "Work Hard, Play Hard" model of education.

This means we take a lot of breaks!

Science shows that taking breaks actually increases learning.

We give our children time throughout the school year to recharge, refresh and rejuvenate, so we can all live better, happier and more well-rounded lives.

on a payment plan OR pay $720 in full for the 2024 fall semester.

Plus we supply the curriculum (Good & The Beautiful), all educational resources, special activity supplies and a Grace Haven t-shirt.

Have a big family? We make it easy for you with sibling discounts:

  • 1st child = $200/month
  • 2nd child = $100
  • 3rd child & any thereafter =$50.

Example: 5 children would be only $450 per month ($200 + $100 + $50 + $50 + $50)

Payment must be received by July 31st.

** 10% pay-in-full bonus for all family sizes

** Please note that tuition is per semester. You can pay month to month, but you must sign up for a full semester.

***We're happy to meet you in person to give you a tour and collect your tuition. Text Mary at 828-202-9473.

Click here to make your initial payment.

 School Calendar 

Start Date: August 26, 2024

End Date: May, 15 2025

Monday - Thursday, 9am - 1pm

Fall Semester
August 26 - December 13, 2024

Fall Festival Break: October 14-25, 2024

Thanksgiving Break: November 25-29, 2024

Winter Break: December 16-January 10, 2025

Spring Semester
January 13 - May 15, 2025

Spring Break: February 17-28, 2025

Spring Festival Break: April 11-18, 2025

Common Questions

Where are you located?

8 mins north of Forest City, NC.

Sovereign Fireside Glampground’s venue facilities will be our schoolhouse for the 2024-25 school year.

Do my kids get special help?

While all four core subjects are provided, we understand that not all students need help in all areas. We tailor the curriculum to meet your child's needs as they grow in their education!

What if I want to drop out part way through a semester?

Students can be un-enrolled within the first month of classes; after that, enrollment cannot be cancelled, and payment for the full semester is required, even if on a monthly payment plan. Extenuating circumstances requiring partial payments/refunds are not guaranteed, and at the full discretion of the Grace Haven administration.

Will my kids get exercise/outside time each day?

Absolutely! Each learning day will have ample outside time, including both guided education time, as well as free play time.

What is the adult-to-kid ratio?

We will have at least 3 tutors, as well as parents interested in assisting different groups. This will provide approximately a 10:1 student-to-tutor ratio.

What’s the structure of the day?

While we are still finalizing details, each day will be divided into 3 separate parts: core academic subjects, real life skills kinesthetic/nature learning, and self-directed/passion learning & play.

Students will always have time to interact and strategize and play with other children, as that is essential to true education, not sitting at a desk all day.

Does my child have to work “at grade level”?

Each child is unique, and the “grade level” each child operates at simply serves as a starting point. Whether they’ve been labeled as advanced or behind, each student will be challenged to learn and grow where they are at continually.

What about absences?

While regular attendance is key to your child’s continual learning, travel and other opportunities afforded in the real world can be an even more beneficial teaching tool. We appreciate notice of any anticipated absences for planning purposes, but there are no warnings or penalties for lack of attendance. Attendance is not linked to enrollment cost.

Will my child learn everything that is required content for a home-school education?

Grace Haven Schoolhouse is a ultimately a homeschool tutoring resource, which means you, as a parent, are still ultimately responsible for the holistic education your home-schooled child receives.

Our goal is to cover no less than 95% of the required curriculum requirements for each grade level, on average, in addition to the myriad additional learning areas they will receive in our program.

How much teaching will I still have to do?

You must be registered by the state as your own homeschool and be teaching at home for the required time allotment.

All of the things you teach them all day are the majority of your homeschool required hours, as well as field trips, etc!

Our classes are an aid to supplement your homeschool. We will be covering roughly 90-95% of required core materials, giving your children a solid foundation, while leaving you freed up to teach and do "the fun stuff" together. :)

Can I just pay for the months I want my children to attend?

Enrollment is per semester; monthly payment plans are available, but you cannot pay for some months and not others.

What about lunch/snacks/water?

Lunch will be brought by each student daily. Lunches will be refrigerated and distributed to students at lunch time each day.

Additional information regarding snacks will be communicated based on age of students.

Water is provided & always available for students - recommended to bring a clearly labelled reusable water bottle for each student.

Who will be teaching my children, how do I know my kids are safe?

Tutors are required to complete a full background check. Parents who are assisting in various activities will always be accompanied by formal staff.

How will the kids be separated/divided up?

While it depends on enrollment numbers, and there will be flexibility in these groups, we expect that students will be separated into grade groupings roughly divided into grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. However, part of this program focuses on leadership skills. So, older children will be helping with younger students at certain times during many days. We embrace a “you learn best by teaching” philosophy.

My child has an IEP for a physical or developmental condition. Are they able to participate at Grace Haven?

Part of our mission is to incorporate as many students as possible into the educational environment. While all such situations must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, many students with “special needs” also bring unique gifts and strengths which benefit their peers. In general, students must be well-behaved, able to follow instructions, and capable of attending to their own physical needs. We do not anticipate being able to provide additional staff/dedicated assistants for individual children, so our program is likely not the best solution for children with more acute diagnoses, who would benefit from a more customized education.

Do I have to purchase a curriculum for my child?

Grace Haven provides all educational resources required for the subject matter taught in the program, including the “Good and the Beautiful'' curriculum. As a homeschool tutoring resource, Grace Haven encourages parents to enrich and supplement their child’s education in any way they like.

What kind of special classes will be taught?

While special classes have not all been finalized at this point, a list of potential subjects are: agriculture & animal care; ju jitsu; wilderness skills; cooking; homesteading skills; permaculture; earth ovens & alternative building systems; architecture & design; off-grid technology; permaculture & aquaponics; debate & rhetoric; flag dancing; music theory & performance; drama; nutrition & wellness, etc.…

Can I come tour the place?

Absolutely! If you'd like to meet in person, please reach out to Mary Henderson on Facebook or give me a text at 513-503-7479 - I’m happy to meet with you. :)

Additionally, you're invited to our Family Night Extravaganza July 18 at Sovereign Fireside Glampground! Join us for an evening of fun - we'll have a bounce house/slip & slide, face painting, live music, bonfires, food and general awesomeness - and you'll get to meet other families and homeschoolers in the area, as well as check out the awesome space Grace Haven will be held.

Put it in your calendar now, we can't wait to meet you! 

Hope to see you this school year!

Remember to apply and submit your initial payment by July 31st.

Aaron & Mary Henderson

Grace Haven unSchool

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